Tuesday, July 31, 2007

In which we discover I am seriously out of shape...

Today Stu and I went for a hike. We have gone on quite a few hikes in previous years, but this is the first one of this year. We chose Black Mountain. It was a bit funny - because of the Olympic construction in Cypress Bowl, they've rerouted a lot of the hiking trails. There are now huge giant signs that say things like: Hikers - start here. And Hikers - this way. I should have taken a picture.

We saw a bird bathing in a little puddle, and tried to take a picture of it, but by the time we had figured out how to use the camera, it had hopped on. It's in this photo, though:
If you have a whole basket of knitting WIPs, and several sewing projects ready to go in the other room, what is there to do but cast on for another project? Here it is posing for the new camera. Apparently we have a macro function, which will make taking pictures of close up things easier, on both cameras, and I just didn't know. I had solved this problem by taking lots of pictures and choosing the best one, but while I was choosing from this plethora of pictures, my husband leaned over and said 'you know the camera has a macro function?' I replied "What's a macro function?"and he followed with an explanation. I will summarize the explanation: when taking a picture of something close up, press the flower button. I still like this picture.

It's going to be a baby bootie. For my friend Jolene. Well, actually, her baby. I'm very excited. About the baby, not the bootie.

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